Ways to Avoid and Eliminate Termites at Home

Dealing with termites can be a long process but very rewarding once you have done good work. Proactivity is the key to keeping termites at bay. Simple tips and tricks always save you more damage in the future.

How to protect your home from termites. Follow these 7 simple steps:

1. Do not let the wood get in contact with the ground or soil.

One of the first things to consider is to assess the whole structure of your house and locate all the wooden foundations and fixtures. Once you locate them, always check thoroughly the surroundings whether it has been elevated by concrete or stone. If the wood is directly in contact with the soil, better consider changing or adding a better foundation system to separate and elevate the wooden foundations. Concrete, stone, and rocks are common foundation base solutions. After elevating to a specific height, then you can apply pesticides around the newly built foundation. 

2. Eliminate moisture that can accumulate near the foundations of the house.

Water and moisture are common elements that destroy wooden fixtures. Of course, termites need water to survive. It is a win-win situation for them. Get rid of moisture by applying hydrophilic elements that absorb moisture. Some pesticides against termites come in powder form at the same time proving to be a good moisture wicker. Firstly, look for the cause of the moisture, might it be a leaking pipeline, damaged downspouts, leaky air conditioning units, or rainwater that seeped in from cracks and crevasses. Take into consideration also your drainage systems. Fix every detail as much as you can to avoid more damage in the future. Always maintain a moisture and humidity-free house.

3. Store other wood products and fixtures away from the wooden foundations and floorboards. 

Wood products like paper, boxes, lumber, and other similar materials also attract termites. Be mindful of where you place these objects,  especially near foundations or walls. As much as these can attract termites as their source of food, these objects encourage a gateway and walkway for termites to crawl up to the foundations and eventually inside your home. Plants and other decorations that are placed too close to the house walls should also be moved. 

4. Apply strong and trusted treatment options to your wood fixtures and products 

Wood treatment is costly and also has an expiration date. Consider the best option from your local pest control and exterminator. But always get a second opinion. Find the most cost-efficient and effective products in the market. Always remember that no amount of wood treatment can stop termites. They can always find gaps and cracks even after treatment. The chemicals are only superficial and cannot get absorbed into the whole wood item. Just remember that prevention is always better than cure. 

5. Fix damaged fixtures and furniture as soon as you see them.

Damaged wood fixtures will always show cracks and gaps. The earliest detection and repair will always reward you after. A little touch up and another round of treatment will do. The small cracks and openings are portals of entry for termites so always do a thorough check for possible entry points. 

While you are at it, also fix the gaps in doors and windows. Seal and gaps and re-fit the window fixtures to obtain a good tight fitting.

6. Get rid of termites using pesticides/termiticides that have been rated and tested in your area. 

There are lots of options on how to get rid of termites but to save time and effort, the easiest form is using pesticides. Although there are home remedies that work just the same. Home solutions and DIYs only need your time. But if you are a busy individual and need things done right away without considering the cost, you can always hire a professional. Preventive treatment of a home or building is costly. Always check if the house has been treated already prior to deciding. That way you can easily budget costs and get your home termite free. Also, consider inspections from pest control companies and exterminators as soon as you suspect an infestation. A spot check from a professional is highly encouraged.

7. Maintain the integrity of your home after treatment or pest control. 

Getting rid of termites and treating your home is one thing, maintenance and prevention are another. Always schedule checking your house or building as much as you need to especially when you are located in a place where termites are rampant. Examples of such places are near the woods and vegetation where moisture is highly available. Regular termite treatment is one of the best solutions to keep your space free from these little destroyers. Always employ a qualified professional to enable you to determine infestations and eliminate them before you suffer.

This will enable you to save a lot of costs on the damage repair. Once a year treatments and visits from the exterminator are sufficient enough. Be vigilant when dealing with termites because it is your home you are protecting. If your termite infestation gets out of hand, call termite extermination in York PA, and trust the professionals for complete elimination of these unwanted visitors.

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Ghiselle Rousso
Oliver James is a UK-based professional blogger, content writer, and content marketer who writes about travel and tourism, finance, real estate, and other topics on his blog. Passionate about writing, traveling, and getting the best deal on everything he buys, Oliver also writes for customers and helps them publicize their products, and services in the US and UK markets. He is a traveler who has visited over 35 countries and loves his job because it gives him the opportunity to find stories, experiences, and places which he can share with his readers. Oliver James is a professional blogger, content marketer, traveler, and electronics enthusiast. He started blogging in 2016 and has become a contributing writer for several blogs, including Android Authority and Elecpros. Oliver has also published his own informational books with Kindle Direct Publishing on subjects like Flappy Bird and Google Cardboard.